Are you like me?

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There is a twin out there for everyone. See if Im your twin....... I am random.... Im funny, cute, Cool, awesome, and always smileing... Im slow but Im cute!!!!

Do you want to find your twin? Well you can just sit around and think but that might not go as fast as you taaking this quiz... Find out if you are like me....

Created by: spirit13
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your hair color?
  3. Do you love people that don't love you back?
  4. Are you always happy?
  5. Where do you want to live?
  6. Do you like Vampires? (Not the Twilight ones)
  7. What do you do in Walmart?
  8. Are you an out sider?
  9. Girly girl or Tomboy?
  10. What kind of music do you like?

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Quiz topic: Am I like me?