Are you like me?

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Um... I made this cuz i'm bored. i bet u are. but you're here for the quiz.Aren't you?! So go and take it......................................................................................................


Created by: luvart7682
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Fave color? (Black doesn't mean ur emo!!!!!!!!!!!)
  2. Do you like reading(if u like some books), writing, singing,creating,and talking?
  3. Are you bullied? BE HONEST!
  4. how do you spend your Saturday?
  5. are you funny but others dont know it?(like not knowing cuz:inside jokes, or they cant bring out that side in you)
  6. fave food
  7. Do people who don't REALLY know you say you're shy or hardly talk? Or you're so smart?
  8. Do u like 2 sing?If so: when you say that you like 2 sing are people like "WHAT?! NO YOU DON'T. YOU DON'T SING."?
  9. Wh@t"5 Wr0n&?
  10. do u like 2 draw fantasy?
  11. DANG IT! I forgot what i was gonna ask! So i'll be random:Do u love MBAV?Should i make more quizzes?(PLEASE SAY IN COMMENTS!)

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Quiz topic: Am I like me?