are you like me?

I know that each person is their own person. But have you ever wished you find someone just like you? Your twin sister or brother? Find out if you are just like Me!

Take your time to think each question out. DO your best and if you score low who cares? you are you! want to find out if I am friend material? In a few minuetes you will find out!

Created by: luvHungerGames
  1. Do you like the Hunger Games?
  2. Do you like chickens?
  3. do you like nuts?
  4. Do you love your family?
  5. Which is better?.....
  6. what do you usally wear?
  7. Chocalate is a bean. That makes it a veggie right?....
  8. what is your hairstyle?
  9. Do you know what Howrse is?
  10. Final question: Do you know Jesus?

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Quiz topic: Am I like me?