Are you hot (100% correct)

So how good looking are you? This quiz is for boys and yay! If you hate JB please tell me in the comments! I just hate that kid! If you like him no offense but...

Ok I hope Y'all enjoy this quiz as much as I enjoyed makeing it. Only questions 3-5 count soo...hope you enjoy and if you have an account please comment and rate! I LOVE reading the comments!

Created by: All That
  1. How many people have you dated?
  2. This question is for girls only! How big are your breasts?
  3. This question is for boys only! How big is your d---?
  4. That's all that counted!
  5. .
  6. .
  7. .
  8. .
  9. .
  10. I'm not going to bother you guys with the comment and rate question.

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Quiz topic: Am I hot (100% correct)