Are you hilarious?

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There many hilarious people, but few are hilarious. Hilarious is, afterall, quite awesome. What is hilarious? It is something that people make to make other people laugh. I would choose this quiz if I were you, it's AWESOME, and it involves unicorns! Yay! ;)

Are YOU hilarious? Do you have the hilariousness to make people laugh their butts off until they die? Until now, you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes, you will find out!

Created by: MeganMarieBanda
  1. Are you always making people laugh?
  2. Do you do weird funny teenage things, that teenagers do?
  3. Do people always ask you to tell one of your jokes?
  4. Do you make up jokes like, "Why couldn't Santa Clause jump over the moon?"?
  5. Do you watch Ray William Johnson?
  6. Do you laugh a lot when Michael Jackson gets pushed into the pool a lot?
  7. Do you like unicorns?
  8. Do you like this quiz?
  9. Will you rate and comment?
  10. Do you like playing with your unicorns and dolls?

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Quiz topic: Am I hilarious?