Are you good enough to be an admin or moderator?

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If you've registered on my site, and you're interested in being an admin or mod, I should have sent you a link to this quiz. If I haven't, message me with the subject "Me = Admin?" and write a little note in the message box and I'll send you this link.

Are YOU worthy of being titled as an admin or moderator of a site? Find out after taking this quiz, though, let me warn you, the answers aren't that accurate since there's only ten questions. Don't worry, I plan to add more.

Created by: Moonleaf105 of RPG World
(your link here more info)
  1. A player on a website has posted inappropriate images that are against the rules. You...
  2. You're browsing through the forums, perhaps participating in some RP's when you notice that one of the players is breaking, not one, but two of the site/forum rules. Even though it's not your job, you know you need to do something. The forum mods aren't on, so you...
  3. You notice a glitch on the website and you're afraid that it may affect some of the players in a harmful way. You don't feel satisfied with just telling the site owner or main admin. So you...
  4. You notice some players have started a rant topic in the forums and they're complaining about the website. Some of the things they're saying are very hurtful and disrespectful. They don't seem to have a life or appreciate all the hard-work that not just you, but all of the mods and/or admin have done to make the site the way it is. You...
  5. You are receiving complains from some players saying that a certain playing is "cheating", "not playing fair", "is powerplaying", or "saying inappropriate things". This is the first time this has happened and you're a little surprised it has now. You know you need to do something, but what?
  6. (Let's say you're the site owner/main admin) Many people are spamming and advertising in your forums and the mods/admin aren't quick enough to delete them. Many players are getting banned, but the spamming continues. What do you do?
  7. (Again, pretend you're the site owner/main admin.) You find out that an under-age player has joined your site. You know that the players on here can get a little rough, tough, and mean. What do you do?
  8. People are posting inappropriate stories and RP's in the forums, and when you try to warn them off, they tease you saying that "what, disturbed? Maybe you should consider getting a different job!" Or something of the sort. You might get mad, or you might stay calm, but you need to handle this the correct way. You...
  9. Scrolling through the forums, you notice some players trash talking about some random admin/mod. No matter how you feel, you know you need to do something, so you...
  10. As you're scanning through the forums, you find a post that says, "Guys, take a look at this! (LINK) Can you believe it?!" You click the link out of curiousity and discover that it's a total replica of the website you're admin/moderator for. The url for it is basically the same as it is for the website you monitor, except a little different. You can tell their mocking the website you montor as you see nasty comments about it. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Am I good enough to be an admin or moderator?