Are you good enough for Battu?

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Hi Jamie. It usually seems that Battu would NEVER be your friend. But this quiz will tell you for sure. (This whole quiz is an inside joke between me and my friend. It is meant for my friend.)

This quiz has all the questions that need to be answered to find out if you would ever be Battu's friend. (This whole quiz is an inside joke between me and my friend. It is meant for my friend.)

Created by: Alanna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you good looking?
  2. Have you talked to Battu before?
  3. Is Battu nice to you?
  4. Are you a Gerbil?
  5. Are you arrogant?
  6. Have you been told your handsome/beautiful?
  7. Would you be nice to Battu? ALWAYS?
  8. Do you have complete understanding of Gerbils?
  9. Do you like Gerbils?
  10. Do you honestly care if your good enough to be Battu's friend?
  11. Do you always get in Battu's face? Are you obnoxious/do annoying things?
  12. Would you talk nice and calmly to Battu?

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Quiz topic: Am I good enough for Battu?