Are you fat, skinny or in between?

Everybody has felt fat. There are some people who think they are fat but are skinny, some who think they are skinny but are fat, so how can you know if you are REALLY fat?

This test will tell you. It may be wrong, but I tried to make it the most accurate I could. Finally, you will know if you are skinny, normal, getting pudgy, chubby, or plain fat. Luck!

Created by: Rosie uwu
  1. Honestly, what do you think you are?
  2. How much do you weight?
  3. Put on your tighest pair of pants, what happens?
  4. Ok, a little roleplay here. You just had a huge meal at a restaurant. First, you ate some breadsticks because, god, they were so good! Then they gave you a salad with a lot of dressing. After this, you weren't even a little hungry, but you had already ordered a huge plate of pasta. You usually wouldn't had finished it, even if you hadn't eaten before, but it was just. So. Good. When you finish it you have to unbutton your pants, and your belly is swollen, you hadn't eaten that much in ages! Then, the waiter says you can have any dessert you want, it's on the house, and your favorite is on the menu...
  5. Sit down. How does your belly look like?
  6. Can you see your ribs?
  7. Honestly, do pants that fitted you a year ago fit you now? (Not counting stretch pants) (btw i know this looks a lot like another question but it is different)
  8. Choose your three best friends. Between you four, who is the fattest?
  9. Shake your hand. Does your arm jiggle?
  10. Do you have rolls when standing up?
  11. Do your tights touch?
  12. How does your face look?
  13. In the last year, how much weight have you gained?

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Quiz topic: Am I fat, skinny or in between?