Are you fat quiz?

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Do you have a big fat belly? Or do you starve yourself? By taking this quiz you wil find out in just 2 minutes or less!!!!! Be as honest as possible beacause otherwise it wont work.

Do you want to know of you have a big round protruiding belly or a toned flat one? You can find out here by taking the are you fat quiz!!!! Have fun and dont be dissapointed if youre fat because its beautiful!

Created by: DelloChef

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When you sit down, can you see the your belt or the top of your pants?
  2. When you look down what do you see?
  3. If you are a girl what do you think of the picture above?
  4. What do you think about yor weight?
  5. How much do you eat?
  6. How big is your belly?
  7. How many hours do you exercise per week?
  8. How many times have you popped ypur buttons
  9. Can you place your toes against the wall while standing?
  10. How many kcal do you consume daily?
  11. which of the named bodies described you best?

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Quiz topic: Am I fat quiz?