Are you FAT or skinny

Are u fat or are u skinny... i like potatos if anyone cares and im righting stupid stuff cuz i have to so idc what i say and im listeing to musichope u enjoyed and sorry if it doesnt work =) haha i have to right random stuff so enjoy ... one day i plew and and now im not idk what im saying but its fun so enjoy my guiz or else

are hope u enjoyed and sorry if it doesnt work =) haha i have to right random stuff so enjoy ... one day i plew and and now im not idk what im saying but its fun so enjoy my guiz or else

Created by: josh

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

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  6. chocolate=?
  7. after i walk up stairs i...
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  9. Do u eat Breakfast
  10. Are u fat

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Quiz topic: Am I FAT or skinny