Are You Fat Or Skinny? ;) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You Fat Or Skinny? ;).

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  • Yeah I got the same Fat100% result the first time I took this, but theres no way my answers could have gotten the fat result. So I took the test again, choosing different answers that I knew for sure would get the skinny result. But I got the same thing. Then I took it again, without answering any of the questions and it gave me a random result, which was Skinny90%. I read the result sentence, then scrolled down to the parting paragraph (which says, "Thanks for Visiting!", near the comments column), and after reading those, it all made sense.

  • What the hell?????? This is jacked up A LOT!!! Based on the answers I picked, which mostly seemed to lead to the skinny result, but somehow I got 100% Fat!!!! This is wayy off, and a really bad quiz. Did anyone else get anything different than this result????????

  • Obese 98%

    OMG! What do you eat!?! Your HUGE!! I'm not even sure if there's any hope for you! Your an eating machine and I'm not sure if anything you do will make you thinner!

    The first time

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