Are You Emo? For the doubters.

There are many types of people, but few true emos. Emo is, after all, quite exceptional. What is an emo? Well my friend, it could be you, a pure soul in a cold world looking for escape?

Are you an Emo? Has a girl directed you to this quiz to screen you of emo-ness because she would never go within a forty foot range of an emo and there's no way you could be THAT big? Then this quiz is for you!

Created by: xxemoxpertx

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite music
  2. What do u do with ur hair
  3. whats ur favorite type of hat
  4. whats ur IQ
  5. on ur formspring what do people do
  6. Is your name Kent Oman?
  7. what do u do on FB
  8. when cute girls talk to you, what do they say about you?
  9. The coolest clothes i own
  10. If a straight girl talked to you on Skype for a bit, what would be her immediate following reaction?

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Quiz topic: Am I Emo? For the doubters.