Are You Casey??

A question that has plagued humanity since the dawn of time: "Could I be Casey?" Here's your chance to find out, in installment one of my ever growing collection of Caseyphilia. Answer carefully... you may find the results surprising.

This quiz makes no claims to have any type of entertainment, accuracy, validity, or self worth. The creator was at work with no one around, has many hours to kill, and is done with all her daily tasks. Actually, this may become a regular occurance. Enjoy.

Created by: Casey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What part of the world were you born in?
  2. It's a Wednesday night. You are:
  3. You consider yourself most like which character on Friends:
  4. Statement: you enjoy people who are stupid. You think they're kind of entertaining.
  5. You consider yourself most like which of the following words:
  6. Which of the following road signs do you laugh at internally?
  7. You have:
  8. Really... which one was the best Star Trek series?
  9. When was the first time you heard the name "Buxtehude"?
  10. You are most looking forward to what date?
  11. Your niece is...
  12. Do you wear glasses?
  13. Are you more comfortable with your glasses than without them?
  14. Is this one of the reasons your drivers liscence picture is so terrible?
  15. Statement: A 442 sounds more in tune than A 440.
  16. What do you have prepared for orchestral rep class tomorrow?
  17. Let's talk looks. You notice this about people right off the bat:
  18. What member of the Presidential administration would you most like to flick in the forehead?
  19. One month has passed, and you STILL...
  20. Finally, what instrument do you play?

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Quiz topic: Am I Casey??