Are You Boyfriend Material? [Guys]

There are many guys with crushes or girlfriends and they aren't boyfriend material and this quiz can determine that. My ex was DEFINITELY not boyfriend material so i made this quiz to see if you are. Have fun =D

Are you/ Would you be a good boyfriend? This quiz can determine that for you. Hope this is accurate for you so answer the questions honestly. This is on my perspective. Have fun with the quiz =D

Created by: sarah
  1. You and your crush/girlfriend are walking around in the mall. She wants to go into Icing and you're thinking haaaa nooo way. what is your response?
  2. You and your crush/ girlfriend are walking home from school together when she trips and falls into a huge mud pile and is totally mortified. What do you do?
  3. You and your friends are talking and they start talking about your girlfriend/crush. They say how much they wanna make out and STUFF with her but you know she's not that kinda girl. What do u say in response?
  4. You and your girlfriend/crush are walking in the mall and she says her arm is really tired. Would you hold her purse for her?
  5. Your crush/girlfriend's best friend just asked you out. and she is HOTT What do u say?
  6. You find out that your girlfriend/ crush is bisexual. Do u break up with her/stop liking her??
  7. It's Valentines Day. What do u get her?
  8. I can't think of anything else so these wont have any effect on your score. What's your favorite color?
  9. Did you like this quiz??
  10. LAST QUESTION!! what's your favorite sport?

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Quiz topic: Am I Boyfriend Material? [Guys]