are you bloated fat or perfect or anorexic(be honest!)

are you unsure about your wieght wanna find out come on in click here go on [lease click it pweese pwetty please prettypretyy ple asw good youve clicked it

/a ;bveqjvn[whnnffnwpighgbgnjnbjgnspenbj nhjnfbjn o[ehgey0gmvtguhuthuihvuvhvuhvvhvwwhuvhvuhvuhyrgvyvhvhhvuvhvuhvuhvugvhvvhvvnvnvnvn vnnvnvnvnvnvnnvvnnvn

Created by: fattybelly
  1. what is normally in your weekly shopping cart?
  2. what is normally in your weekly shopping cart?
  3. stand up and look down what do you see ?
  4. sit down what does yall see!?
  5. only 6 left now do you do sports?
  6. how many medal doyou have in running dont answer if you only have trophies
  7. this wont affect your score are you on medication
  8. do people say you are an orange autimatically ma\kes you bloated or fat
  9. in bored so ignore these qeustions
  10. ncdhfdh
  11. cn bbck/

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Quiz topic: Am I bloated fat or perfect or anorexic(be honest!)