Are you balls enough?

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Geez so you wanna take this quiz?? Well look no further and click that button. I hope ya'll can count to ten and tuck in your shirts, because we're about to take a wild ride!!!

Catch your breath and hold on tight because this roller coaster has got no set course! Take it for a ride and see what you get, show your stuff f and prove you're balls enough.

Created by: Caitlyn

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. u go to a parking lot at night and you see a van. he van has a sticker of a giant peanut on the side. the window rolls down and a guy says "hey punk you looking to buy some quality peanuts??" what do
  2. watching tv and there's nothing on. u look outside and it's sunshiney. what do
  3. you see a guy wearing a blue tuxedo coming towards you. he is eating a bagel. what do
  4. there's a bear in your car but you need it. how do you get the bear out?
  5. you are sleeping. what is your dream?
  6. there is a walmart down the road but you have no money. what do
  7. how many waffles do you eat in the morning
  8. which name do you think sounds cooler
  9. where do you shop
  10. last question. if u had to choose, which would b ur catchphrase?

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Quiz topic: Am I balls enough?