are you as smart as sam spoto

"there are many smart people,but few true geniuses. Genius is, afterall, quit expetional. what an idiot if you get a low grade on this because its very easy. just get one hundred and youll be as smart as a hippo. and they are mental.

are you as smart as me,because if you were as smart as me you will be as smart as a hippo, maybe a hippi, i dont know, just get on with this quiz and see your score, now get to work and your grade will be high, but you will be as samert as a hippo and you will feed off of bannanas and grapes.

Created by: sam spoto
  1. what is the square route of pie
  2. what is Sprota
  3. 1+1=?
  4. soup is_______
  5. 2+2= ?
  6. are you smarter than sam spoto
  7. 10+10=?
  8. are you still smarter than sam spoto
  9. what is the square route of chocolate pie
  10. if you took this quiz again, what would you get on your score

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Quiz topic: Am I as smart as sam spoto