ARE You As Real As You Think?

Their are alot of people that claim that they real. But alot of those people who say that they are, are not. These are the people that bully and talk s--- about others. How can call yourself real but you always putting someone down. Some one that is real don't need to put others down to feel powerfull about themselves. Not only are they fake but they have low self-esteem as well. The point of this quiz is to prove to them just how fake they are.

Are you real? Do you have the self esteem and confidence it takes to pass this test? Do you think the truth about just How Real you Are? Well lets find out!

Created by: babygirl6
  1. Do you stand up for people who get picked on?
  2. If someone talks about you do you confront them?
  3. Do talk about other people behind their backs or in their face?
  4. When someone approaches you about something they heard you say what do you do?
  5. Do you like drama?
  6. Do you start drama?
  7. If someone tells you something thats private, do you go and tell others?
  8. Do you dislike someone based on the way they act?
  9. When your in a crowd do you observe your surroundings?
  10. If someone hit you, what would you do?

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Quiz topic: Am I As Real As You Think?