Are you as evil as me?

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Hey why do you have to be so nice it is not really fun being mean makes you tough and cool so do what you gotta do to be evil like me because it is so good

Do you have the skill and the will to be an evil person and get that good stuff out COMPLETELY and get the bad stuff in COMPLETELY just do the bad things, trust me, it is so good.

Created by: Dasheera

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who do you hate the most?
  2. What two songs are your favorite
  3. Do you hate Serenity Meredith
  4. Do you go to the bathroom a few times
  5. Do you think of Serenity Meredith's personal information (i.e. Serenity's hair style or color, what she is wearing etc.)
  6. Have you ever made a bully plan, oooooooooooooooooo.
  7. Do you like being mean?
  8. Did you have to pee or poop during this test
  9. Did you feel very uncomfortable during the test
  10. Do you think you are evil

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Quiz topic: Am I as evil as me?