are you and i alike?

Hii well this quiz will show how much youu are like me... Its basically just for fun so I hope you enjoy it!!! Aahgg I know you willl... :P lol.

I have never, and I mean never met anyone that is like me... Geuss I'm a loner? Lol no.. I have friends I'm just different kinda... If you've wondered the same take my quiz and see!! Maybe I'm not alone after all

Created by: Macyy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. Why are you taking my quiz?
  3. What will you most likely do on a sunday
  4. What colour hair do you have?
  5. Are you popular?
  6. Do you live with both of your parents?
  7. Female or Male?
  8. Favourite animal?
  9. are youu random?
  10. Have you been through something tragic?
  11. Do you go to school? If you do are u in elementery, middle school, or high school?
  12. Choose 1:
  13. Will you comment?
  14. Will you rate?
  15. Okay, bye!!! :)

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Quiz topic: Am I and i alike?