are you an airbender

This is a very good quiz if your a fan of airbenders! Take it, take it, TAKE IT! YOU WILL LOVE IT IF YOU TAKE IT! So try this Quiz, and become an airbender.

Well i think this one diseves a round of aplause! Clap, clap, clap! Thank you for taking this quiz. Lets see that score! If you dont get the airbender score its ok you can try other quizes!

Created by: gayboy12
  1. how cold do you gat in the wind?
  2. are you flexible?
  3. what season were you born in?
  4. how often do you play outside?
  5. do you swim a lot
  6. do you play with sticks and act like they are a staff?
  7. are you bald?
  8. is your breath powerful?
  9. how much do you know about airbenders?
  10. what avatar was 2 avatars before aang

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