Are You A Wizard?

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Dear Citizen of Middle Earth, It is time to discover your true calling....are you indeed a wizard? You would know, because well before the dawn of time you were selected...let's see if you already know your calling...

Are you a wizard? Do you often find yourself feeling elite? Intelligent? Does adventure inspire you? Do you prefer to lead adventures yourself and gather crews to join you on such missions?

Created by: middleearth278
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are sent to Middle Earth on a mission. After finding your team of 13 dwarves, you need a robber to complete your mission. You...
  2. You encounter a group of trolls bothering your fellowship of travelers. You...
  3. You invite your fellowship to a very unique friend's house and begin to give them instructions on how to introduce themselves. You...
  4. Why were you sent to Middle Earth, in the first place?
  5. Your favorite color is...
  6. How do you feel about organizing citizens of many different races?
  7. I am naturally most attracted to the name...
  8. The most beautiful part of Middle Earth to me is...
  9. I regularly wear...
  10. I am rightfully a wizard because I...

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Quiz topic: Am I A Wizard?