Are you a warbow archer

Warbow Archery is getting ever more popular. The downside is that every hobby has those who will just hop onto the latest bandwagon and off again when the next one rolls by. Which one are you?

Do you think you are made of the right stuff? Do you actually try to practice what you preach, or do you rely on bull-s--- and live on the people who have actually had a go? Have you lied about your bow weight because you think it impresses people? Here's your chance to step up to the mark and be counted.

Created by: Ian
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You tell everyone you can shoot a warbow of 150lbs+. What does it actually weigh
  2. Can you actually hit anything with it, other than just farting arrows off into the distance.
  3. When did you start shooting?
  4. What string material do you use?
  5. Why did you get into warbow archery?
  6. What is a fistmele
  7. Why do yew trees most likely grow in church yards
  8. What do you think was the likely amount of arrows a good archer can shoot in a minute with a military bow?
  9. You order a bow. What is an acceptable time to wait for it to be made and delivered.
  10. Do you like any other sports?

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Quiz topic: Am I a warbow archer