Are You a True TM User? A place of peace, unity and friendship. Or maybe not all the time. By clicking on the link you have agreed to take this - very bad and rather inaccurate quiz.

Make your way through the ten multiple choice questions to be declared your official unofficial title!!!! XD Are you ready??????????? Off we go!!!!!!

Created by: amazon

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you familiar with the user SmileyCupcake04
  2. How often do you go on TM?
  3. Which of the following are NOT popular users on the website?
  4. We have had many awful encounters of creepy, innapropriate, rude, stupid, un - you get the picture - users. Which one ISN'T one?
  5. Which is not one of the colours that appears in the backdrop of the website?
  6. How many sections are there in the Message Board?
  7. What category of user are you?
  8. The original creator of this quiz was Candycantime. How would you describe her as a person?
  9. Which is not one if the main fandoms, groups, obsessions etc. on the website?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  11. What should I give you as a reward for completing this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a True TM User?