Are You A True Hunter Princess?

There are many wannabe hunter princesses. Many fake their way through the A Circuit, trying desperately to earn their way in to the elite circle of true hunter princesses.

Are you a true hunter princess? Do you have what it takes to be on of the lengendary elitists? Until now, you had no idea. But thanks to this fantastic quiz, you can soon find out.

Created by: Eidelwiess

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Complete this sentence. "The big grey hunter _______ in to the easy vertical."
  2. What is the most popular helmet brand on the A Circuit?
  3. What is the most popular breed ridden on the top huntseat show circuit?
  4. What is the nickname given to the highly competitive Equitation classes on the A Circuit?
  5. If you are a shy person, which class would suit you, considering you hate being judged?
  6. In your equitation class, it is between you and Larissa, your barnmate.You often tease her about her _________. This is why you would win this class. ( fill in the blank)
  7. Choose the most expensive boots.
  8. What is another name for a water jump?
  9. How many jumps are generally on a hunter course?
  10. What color hunt jacket is not allowed to be worn by anyone but a huntmaster?

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Quiz topic: Am I A True Hunter Princess?