Are you a true crybaby?

Haii! If you are bored and want a melanie martinez quiz, i suggest this one! It's stupid and i hope you like it. Anyway find out if your a TRUE crybaby.

I suggest if you never cared or heard of melanie martinez then you leave. This quiz MAY be hard for some of you. Try your best though! Nobody's perfect! Unless you get 100! XD

Created by: amazon
  1. What is Melanie's middle name?
  2. "You call me on the telephone, you feel so far away. You tell me to come over there's some things you wanna play..."
  3. When is her birthday?
  4. What show did she perform on?
  5. What thing can Melanie NOT do?
  6. Which clothing does she NOT own?
  7. If Melanie was not a famous singer, what else would she want to be?
  8. What is an odd fact about Melanie?
  9. OK this quiz is over!
  10. Are you ready to see your result?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true crybaby?