are you a school girl

Hello everyone this my first quiz and I hope you like it if you are reading this it means the world to me by the way can you comment and rate honestly I dont even know what that means either see you later the queen says to her minyouns did I spell that correctly? Im done for now

I hate this part is it so mean im gonna say crazy stuff k colade camande nyla im so hoodie car mars tar jar mall ball call all pauly d paul go to quiz lol nji I say im very bored as you can see im a rookie so I know snooki did I spell it right did ispell right write I know im the best im better than the rest this rap is through a n d I just served you

Created by: petracilin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Can you sing
  2. Can you dance
  3. Have you seen the movie
  4. Do ya have swag
  5. You have a crush what do you do!!
  6. Have you ever kissed anyone
  7. This is my first quiz how am I doing
  8. Are you a good actor
  9. These last questions dont count okay
  10. Im bored are you
  11. Okay so this is my last question of quiz I hope you liked it

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Quiz topic: Am I a school girl