are you a retard or dumb

so you wanna know if your dumb or retarded. well then you are gonna like tells you alot about yourself.mainly stuff you dont know.i mean i made it so i should know.

but let's see.dude i even took the just rember you are cool in your own way. get like thats what you get ready cause you might like your answer. i hope you do.

Created by: Delia
  1. r u obsessed with cheese
  2. do u like rock
  3. wat school level r u on
  4. do u hang with nerds
  5. do u have friendboys or boys who r friends
  6. why did u take this quiz
  7. r u crazy
  8. do u do drugs
  9. almost done do u have more than one boyfriend
  10. r u happy

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Quiz topic: Am I a retard or dumb