Are you a real vampire

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Have you ever wondered If you were A vampire, well, here's your chance. Even if you haven't you should still take my quiz, just to make sure. You never know.

I shall determine, whether or not you are a vampire. Don't question me, it is true. I Will figure it out and let you know. I am a vampire, this is how I know. No, I'm not asking if you have fangs, so turn around if you were hoping for that.

Created by: RedRoseVamp
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you often alone
  2. When do you feel most alive, energetic?
  3. Do you fear the end? (death, school-ending, children moving out/going to college, etc.)
  4. What kind of music? (Don't question me)
  5. Favorite color
  6. Do You like blood?
  7. Do you sleep in a coffin?
  8. What do you prefer?
  9. Do people like you?
  10. Do You Love me and want to vote?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real vampire