Are You a Psychopath?

Many people wonder if they are psychopaths. I have wondered myself. This topic is very interesting and very relevant me and so many others because I was very "close" to one once. Education and outreach are the best methods of prevention, so let's start!

Have you ever felt you were different? Or how much you are like Bundy or Dahmer? Check it out, and find more resources! This test will make you think about the reality of psychopaths in today's society, approximately 1% of the population. Are you one?

Created by: stuforyou
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you happy?
  2. What can you do with your charm?
  3. I am
  4. To lie is to
  5. How do you get someone to give you money?
  6. A kid was raped. You
  7. Are you emotional?
  8. It's your fault.
  9. What do you do on weekends?
  10. How would you describe your social life?
  11. If you are with someone sleeping and you feel the urge, you
  12. I know where I am and where I'm going in life.
  13. Someone touches your neck. You
  14. You're babysitting. You
  15. When you were a kid, what was the worst thing you did?
  16. Who were you in school?
  17. Conditional Release-
  18. How many people have you slept with in the last month?
  19. How many times have you been married?
  20. What have you done crime-wise?
  21. Are you a psychopath?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Psychopath?