are you a pokémonfan?

A true pokémonfan likes everything about pokémon. He watches the anime, plays the games, maybe even read some of the manga. A pokémonfan usually acts hostile to anyone who dares to flame Pokémon. Of course with good reason, most teens nowadays think pokémon is childish and a few still watch it when they're older.

Are you a pokémonfan? Do you enjoy playing the pokémon games and do you like watching the anime? maybe you still play the Card Game or read the manga. This test will help you find out if you are a true Pokémonfan.

Created by: jala1

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many episodes from pokémon did you watch?
  2. Do you know all the pokémon by name?
  3. Do you own any pokémon games?
  4. Do you sometimes Imagine you are a pokémon?
  5. What are your opinions on Heartgold/Soulsilver?
  6. How long do you play pokémon games every day?
  7. How many pokémon have you caught in the game?
  8. Do you go to Pokémon conventions?
  9. Have you ever cried because of a pokémon movie?
  10. Why did you take this quiz?
  11. Do you read the pokémon manga?
  12. do you play the TCG?

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Quiz topic: Am I a pokémonfan?