are you a nerd?

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being a nerd is a good thing nerds rule the world if we like it or not thay are the ones who dont have the test answers written on there hand but are the nice ones who let us copy them

are you a nerd if so its good if not try to be one nerds not only are the name of an awesome candy but are the ones that have a better vocabulary than me

Created by: tifla ibham
  1. how much time are you on a computer a day
  2. what school activity are you best at
  3. idea lunch
  4. if you saw 234+20a-62x1090-88 what wold you do
  5. you are usuly
  6. people usuly say you are
  7. in school you were consiterd
  8. do you agree nerds rule the univerce?
  9. pick one
  10. pick a job

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Quiz topic: Am I a nerd?