Are You A Nerd???

Some people are smart but some people are SMART!!! This is a nerd test not how smart you are. So be Honest. If you really are a nerd you would. So go do it.

Are You a true nerd? Do you what it is? You do if you pass with at least a 69% You can do it do it. Well unless you cant. Does that make sense? Just take the test!

Created by: Britney Nwoko
  1. What is your favorite school subject?
  2. Do you like school?
  3. How many students are in your class?
  4. What is the most important thing about school?
  5. Do you act bad in school?
  6. Have you ever been to the principals office?
  7. What Do you when you get home from school?
  8. How many friends do you have in school?
  9. What is A nerd?
  10. Do you think your a nerd

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Quiz topic: Am I A Nerd???