Are you a Natural Chiefs fan

There are many MO lovers, but some are not. I made this quiz so that you can find out what you are. If you are not a Chiefs fan, don't worry, keep being what you belive, I have no problem with it. Try your best to be a MO lover though. Remember, Chiefs rule!

Are you a Chiefs fan? Do you have enough brain power to find out. If you do, in a few minutes, take this quiz. You shall wonder no more! Take this quiz and rate it good. Please rate it good!

Created by: Katie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like the colors red, white, or yellow?
  2. Do you live in Mo?
  3. Do you live in Kansas?
  4. Do you like football?
  5. Do you play football?
  6. Do you like the Jay Hawkes?
  7. Even though Jay Hawkes has a better record, do you stick with the Chiefs?
  8. Finnaly, do you think that you are Chief miterial?
  9. Have you ever thought of being a Jaw Hawk fan?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Natural Chiefs fan