Are YOU a Moany Cow?

I know a lot of moany cows, ive called a lot of people moany cows too. Some people get offended believe it or not, but fair enough. Cow is a derogetory term for a woman in Scotland...apparently. Anyway This is my point.

Ive spent pure ages making up a pish quiz for myspace, so gonnae do it if your bored or something, cause thats why I made it. I was bored. ARE YOU A MOANY COW?

Created by: Wee Pea
  1. You've been working all day, then decide to go shopping. But the shop you were heading for is closing as you get there. What do you do?
  2. You're a bit steamin, ok, pure steamin and the Catty bouncers wont let you in. What do you do?
  3. Everybody else got tickets as soon as they came out, but you left it to the last minute. And the gig's sold out, what do you do?
  4. You're just about to finish an 8 hour shift, and your boss then tells you that you'll need to stay on late because somebody's called in sick. What do you do?
  5. You said you'd stay in and make dinner, but your other half wants to go out and get trollied. What do you do?
  6. You burn your toast, and you're late - but pure hungry. what do you do?
  7. How good are things right now?
  8. Have you ever attended a Moany Cow Bi-Monthly Meeting? (Formal or informal)
  9. Have you ever been called a Moany Cow by a friend/enemy/teacher/parent/woman in the street?
  10. Do you know the Moany Cow theme tune?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Moany Cow?