Are You a Miley Cyrus Fan?

There are many miley cyrus fans. But, are you a fan of hers? Its a person that is in love wiht miley cyrus. If your a fan this is definenlty for you to take.

Are You a miley cyrus fan? Do you know everything about her? Well, take this quiz and you'll find out. Its the only ultimate quiz you could ever take!!!

Created by: Cocoagirl
  1. What's Miley Cyrus' name in Hannah Montana?
  2. What's miley's sister name?
  3. How many siblings does miley have?
  4. How old is miley?
  5. What are the characters from hannah montana?
  6. What's miley's signature pose?
  7. What's miley's real color eyes?
  8. What's miley's color hair?
  9. Who was she posing with that people started calling Jiley?
  10. Are you a fan of miley cyrus?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Miley Cyrus Fan?