Are you a Kelsey? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a Kelsey?
Yeah i want to have a chat with this kelsey person so i can lock her up in a mental hospital foever cause she sounds lik she needs to be cut off from human contactO.o but still so should i
zzamzam1 -
Kelsey is a creep!
gab1 -
No way, dude. she is not taking this quiz! although it would be funny...but no!!
gab1 -
My god this Kelsey person sounds like a creep, I'm glad I'm not one of her! lol
Ha!!! she should!! :)
gab1 -
hey gab, and mal this quiz is hilarious and ithink timkos right she should take it
ttabor1 -
yes it would be funny and she sould get a taste of her own medicine
ttabor1 -
yes it would be funny and she sould get a taste of her own medicine
ttabor1 -
mal gab im creating my own account i will give you the thing tomm.
ttabor1 -
mal gab im creating my own account i will give you the thing tomm.
ttabor1 -
LOL Hey gab nice quiz, I think we should make her take it! No.... well.... no. k see u latr!!
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