Are you a Johnny Reb?

The Confederate States of America (also called the Confederacy, the Confederate States, and the C.S.A.) was a government set up from 1861 to 1865 by eleven Southern slave states of the United States of America that had declared their secession from the U.S. No nation in the world recognized this government, though there was a letter written by the Pope at the time to Jefferson Davis calling him "President" Davis, suggesting that the Pope acknowledged him as a legitimate head of state. The U.S. government rejected secession as illegal, and used military action to defeat it.
The Confederacy's control over its claimed territory shrank steadily during the course of the American Civil War, as the Union took control of much of the seacoast and inland waterways. The leading Confederate General Robert E. Lee successfully stopped repeated Union attempts to capture the Confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia, but after four years of very bloody fighting, the Confederates ran out of men, supplies and public support. In spring 1865 its armies surrendered, its government collapsed, its slaves were emancipated, and the Union imposed a program of Reconstruction to restore the seceding states to normal status.
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