Are you a Greek or Roman demigod?

People think that they know who they are. Well get this, you might be wrong. This test is for half bloods who have questions about themselves and their real parent

Are you Roman? Or are you Greek? Or maybe you're a little mixed? You'll have to find out if you really don't know, you really need to know then! Take the test!

Created by: DemigodGirl

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you do if someone attacks you?
  2. Are you headstrong? Be honest! This effects your score!
  3. Favorite Food?
  4. Do you know who you re godly parent is?
  5. Do you have a mixed personality?
  6. Girls, what kind of boy are you into?
  7. Boys, same question, but for girls..
  8. Okay, do you accidentally say the Roman god names instead of Greek?
  9. Last question, what do you think about Nico di Angelo?
  10. Last question. Who do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Greek or Roman demigod?