Are you a Good or Bad?

There are many nice people and bad people you should figure out who you are! I know I'm good don't you want to be good! I know I would theres so many who are bad. Are you good?

Come figure it out! If you donnt you could die trying to figure out who you are! Well right here if you just take this wuiz you can figure it out!!!

Created by: amazon
  1. Do you have brothers or sisters?
  2. Do you like your bothers or sisters?
  3. Do you have lots of friends estimate..
  4. What are your grades?
  5. If i say hello you say...
  6. If i say your a brat.. you say?
  7. :)
  8. Do you talk alot?
  9. trick question. 2+2=
  10. Ok last question. Do you like your grandma?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Good or Bad?