Are You a Good Horseman?

There are the idiots and then there are the smart ones. And there are the cowboys and there are the horseman's. Which one are you? Find out by taking this quiz.

I don't know what to put for paragraph 2 so I copied and pasted paragraph 1: There are the idiots and then there are the smart ones. And there are the cowboys and there are the horseman's. Which one are you? Find out by taking this quiz.

Created by: Speak horse
  1. Do you use a bit?
  2. Do you use spurs?
  3. Do you use a crop?
  4. Do you believe in "showing who's boss" or use "force" to get your horse to do what you want?
  5. Do you keep your horse in a stall?
  6. Would you sell your horse if he couldn't do your sport? (barrel race, jump, dressage, etc.)
  7. If your horse couldn't be ridden again due to permanent lameness or old age and you could only afford or have one horse, would you keep your friend or sell him to get one you could ride?
  8. If I asked you to ride your horse bitless, without a crop, and without spurs, would you do it or refuse?
  9. Do you believe that a horse needs to "respect" your "personal space"?
  10. Tight reins or loose reins?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Good Horseman?