Are you a dragon or Wolf?

There are many who love dragons and many who love wolfs. TO found out which one you would be take this here strange quiz. A few of these qusetions make no sense but they decide if you get to be a dragon or a wolf!!!

Are you brave enough to take this quiz or are just going to sit there and play your little games! do something with your life. this here quiz, is life changing! DO IT!

Created by: Outcast
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which Movie do you like the best?
  2. Which Book is your favorite
  3. which is your favorite thing to do?
  4. Which one of these things is the most fun to do?
  5. Which one is Which?
  6. Most Random is.....
  7. Which cell phone tis da bomb. Is it...
  8. Which word is the most awesome
  9. which person is have you heard of?

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Quiz topic: Am I a dragon or Wolf?