Are you a crazy cat person?

Welcome to this quiz.I still have not made zombies!? I will make it2.but I will.This quiz took to long but its fun.I need you to take my others.You may start the quiz.

Well its the middle of this quiz.I wish I had cake.that would be great.kitty poop should have people to take this quiz more.I would like to have a pony.thanksgiving was good.

Created by: happypuppy
  1. Should you be a cat person?
  2. Should you have 8 cats?
  3. Are cats smarter than dogs?
  4. Do cats have tails?
  5. Should you bath cats?
  6. Do cats eat candy?
  7. Are you bored??
  8. Meep ^.^
  9. Do you like this easy quiz?
  10. Bye?

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Quiz topic: Am I a crazy cat person?