Are you a chav, emo or a bit of both?

There are many emo and chavs in the world, see what you are!!! This test will help you show what you are and will help find out the inner self. Enjoy the test and have fun inside. I am watching your results!

Take the test and FIND OUT what you are? Do you have a secret fantasy or hidden emotions? You must be hiding something within the world! Have fun in taking this test!

Created by: Dead6re

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like fast food?
  2. Do you prefer tracksuits or hoodies?
  3. Do you like to drink or smoke or use drugs?
  4. DO you live on a rock?
  5. Are you an emo?
  6. Are you a chav?
  7. Are you a bit of both? (Chav/Emo)
  8. Do you like school?
  9. Do you want to comit suicide?
  10. How are you feeling?

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Quiz topic: Am I a chav, emo or a bit of both?