Are we compatible?

There are millions of people in this world and only some are able to be compatible with a phsyco like myself. I am crazy so lets see if yiu are too? Hehehehe

Are you compatible with me? Do you think me and you could get along? Would i like you? Find out here! Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe pineapples mannn

Created by: Ms_Insanity
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorite color? *hides* dont kill me :3
  2. How old are you? Hehe ^_^
  3. Do you like creepypastas? Masky: cheesecake? Yum~
  4. Masky: Which animal is best? Wolf of course....
  5. Do you watch anime? Masky: oh god... Shsushshshshsh!!!
  6. Favorite movie Genre?
  7. Hobby? Masky: MURDER! ....cheesecake.
  8. Favorite weapon?
  9. Have you ever talked out loud to yourself?

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