Are u Rock Lee,Neji,TenTen

Are You Lee Doumb Funny Anything can you use nunchucks know taijutsu do it U are LEE SO DO IT YAYYA So Do you like Shikamaru he kinda liked u in Chunin exams so Lee like him

Are You Neji smart head protector of Hyuga clan smart not having fun got Jounin people are joulus or not . Not having fun that's sad but don't get sad ur family team mates and everything so what if u died ur NEJI

Created by: SkikamaruLee

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do U Like Guy-Sensei
  2. What Would you use if Guy-Sensei Was In a tree stuck and can't use any Taijustu?
  3. What Would you use for training
  4. If u were in Chunin Exams What Would You Use
  5. If u were 2 and u knew ninjutsu or taijutsu What would u do
  6. If u were Genin and the Hokage Was Lost U would
  7. If u had some time u would
  8. If u were Neji TenTen or Lee what would you do
  9. Alone Neji TenTen Rock Question ARE U FRIENDS WOTH SHIKAMARU
  10. If u would have TV time would you

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