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Have you ever wondered how would i do in the case of a zombie apocalypse. Well wonder no more, this quiz lists some very crucial and vital keys to survive a zombie onslaught. Not only will you learn your chances of surviving but youll aslo get some ideas on how to prepare.

Are you carefull, are you calculated in everything you do. can you plan for the end and what you would do? Well find out in this amazingly detailed and expanded quiz. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO SURVIVE A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!

Created by: Chris Glencoe

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your watching T.V. when the news comes on telling about a strange mutated virus that makes those infected hyper violent and dangerous that's spreading terror in the east United states
  2. Whats your location like
  3. DO you own a gun?
  4. DO you have anything you can use as a mellee weapon?
  5. If you had to can you build a homemade bomb or incinderary device such as a molotove cocktail, or a pipebomb
  6. What shape are you in?
  7. How do you do under pressure?
  8. do you have any food that can last? Like TopRamen, Bottled water, and canned food. Possibly Military meals ready to eat
  9. Can you drive?
  10. How do you react when scared or startled?
  11. What kind of home do you live in?
  12. If a family Member/ friend or loved one was infected what would you do?
  13. Can you Hot wire a car or pick a lock.
  14. How good are you at finding things. such as hidden supply's, or a location
  15. IF you had to could you build a shelter that not only protects from the infected but can keep you comfortable for a time
  16. Could you walk if you didn't have something to drive in?
  17. What would be the best time of day to travel?
  18. Lets say your walking and you see a group of people walking. What would you do?
  19. would you sacrifice yourself for the greater good?
  20. DO you have any medical experience?
  21. do you had any special skills that you could apply to surviving a zombie apocalypse?
  22. Could you fix like an engine or electronic?
  23. Do you know any hand to hand combat/Martial arts?
  24. What is your endurance level?
  25. Where would you take shelter
  26. Can you stand the sight of gore and blood?
  27. Have you ever spent any extended amount of time outdoors. such as camping or hunting?
  28. Could you catch and kill your own meal. In short can you hunt or fish or trap?
  29. Your infected what do you do? Your answer will have no effect on your quiz results.
  30. Remember, other surviving humans could be just as or more dangerous than the infected. How would you react if you met a group of survivors who are trying to get your equipment (Keep in mind that if your a girl that they may be after more than your gear.)
  31. An infected has knocked you off your feet and is trying to bite you. You cant reach your gear because the zombie is preventing you to. and your using your good arm to keep the infected from biting you. however nearby is a rock, an old shirt, and a rope. what do you grab? your answer will have no effect on the quiz.
  32. Can you reload used ammo casings?
  33. IF you were to set up a group who would you have in it?
  34. What would be the first thing you would do if you encountered a group of survivors.
  35. Have you enjoyed this quiz? your answer will have no effect on your quiz results.
  36. Do you honestly feel like you could survive a zombie apocalypse?

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