are u my daughter

i created this quiz because i am actually looking for my daughter that i miss dearly, i never got a chance to bond with her and she is my everything. i love her dearly.

i thank you for coming up with this great idea. maybe one of the people that take this quiz would actually be my daughter. if so it would be the best thing thats happend to me since her birth.

Created by: daryll
  1. what is your full name?
  2. where are you currently residing?
  3. what is your mother's name?
  4. who are you living with?
  5. what is your race?
  6. how many children does your biological mother have?
  7. what state did your family once live before now?
  8. which sounds familiar
  9. when was the last time you talked to your dad?
  10. where is your mother living now?
  11. just guessing, how much does your dad care about u?

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