Apology To Ambrosia

Ambrosia, I hope you'll read this, I'm very sorry for taking your idea and I thought you deserved an apology. It was very presumptuous of me to assume that you wouldn't care and I hope I haven't offended you.

Ambrosia, I hope you'll read this, I'm very sorry for taking your idea and I thought you deserved an apology. It was very presumptuous of me to assume that you wouldn't care and I hope I haven't offended you....

Created by: LipsForKissing

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  1. Okay one, Aria, if you're mad I stole your idea of making a formal apology.
  2. I just thought what you did was really sweet and that I should make an apology to Ambrosia, whom I guess is your friend and advertiser.
  3. So if you're mad, I apologize to you, too.
  4. But anyway, Ambrosia, I'm very sorry I took your idea and title.
  5. I didn't think you would mind, but evidently, I was wrong.
  6. I am also very sorry that I took your title. I just figured since yours attracted a lot of people, it would also work for me.
  7. I am very sorry if I offended you or hurt you in anyway. I don't like it win people copy me, so I shouldn't do it either.
  8. I only meant to advertise for my friend's series, If You Follow a Rabbit.
  9. I suspended that quiz I made and I won't take your titles and will only take your ideas with your consent.
  10. And once again I am sorry to you and to Aria if she's mad I took her apology idea. Forgive me?

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