Anti-Degeneracy Test

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LGBTQIA+, Feminism, BLM, Furries and even more have been plaguing this world to death and haven't stopped because they wanna take over the goddammit world.

But there is still hope because of communities like the anti-furry community or a more secret one because almost everyone looks at homophobia like national material, anti-lgbtqia+. Maybe you're eligible to be a soldier fighting for normality so take this test and see if you're eligible enough for it.

Created by: Treleten

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you support lgbtq?
  2. Would you ever wear an animal costume as a joke?
  3. Are white people superior to blacks?
  4. Yiffs?
  5. What a place is the world nowadays?
  6. Would you rather kill all of feminism or all of furries
  7. Imagine you had a button that kill all feminists at once but it will kill you, press it?
  8. What does this ✊🏿 remind you of?
  9. Can you go a week without your phone?
  10. Final question, which one is the worst?

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